The Symbolism of Dogs | A Lifelong Committed Companion

The dog is man’s best friend. When a dog chooses you as a companion (even though we often think it’s the other way around), you are blessed with a best friend that you will have for the rest of your life. This is neither a fair-weather superficial friendship and nor is it a friendship of convenience.

Rather, it is a friendship where one can expect to receive unwavering loyalty and devotion. If that is what you want, expect the very best of relationships when the dog comes into your life. The days of terrible relationships with tricksters are now officially over.

Dogs are, by nature, a pack animal. They are particularly drawn to humans who show loyalty and protection to others. Dogs know things intuitively. You neither need to tell them nor communicate with them. They just know and will take action accordingly.

They are psychically in tune with people they love and will know when a loved one is close by or in trouble. You cannot hide anything from them; not even a strip of bacon. While we humans have taken to speaking to dogs and giving them commands, we do not actually have to tell them anything. They already know it all!


When a dog suddenly appears in your life, it comes to increase our awareness. Perhaps there are problems around you that you cannot see, but you know and feel that something is off. A dog is excellent at sussing out an impending issue that is yet to arise. Not only can it suss out the root cause of the problem, it can arrive to protect you just in the nick of time. A dog always knows when it is needed and can be counted upon to do the needful.

On that note, the truth is that no one can be a good friend, a good spouse or a good pack member without first reaching and attaining a certain level of self-mastery. The dog reminds you to maintain integrity and faithfulness with all the members of your community. Do not be a bad friend for it will come back and bite you in the future. Stick to your commitments and show loyalty. You will be greatly and richly rewarded for your devotion.

The dog is a naturally devoted animal. It represents the importance of trust and fidelity. It is one of those animals that will stand by you through thick and thin. It will not run away during tough times. At the same time, their loyalty is not to be taken for granted for dogs can and do fight back if you abuse their trust. It is not beyond them to bite, even though they generally prefer to bark.

Dogs know how to give and receive tenderness openly. They will shower you with affection without you having to even ask. They can be comfortable both in the spotlight and in the background. They can take the lead or support others in their quest for success. It all depends on what they feel is required in a particular situation and how they may best be of service to others.

In America, tribal cultures deeply respected the dog as a power animal. They valued it as a family member for it functioned as both a guide and a guardian who came to alert the tribe whenever they were in the presence of danger. Anyone who mistreated a dog was looked upon unfavourably for how can you harm the one who has been sent to protect you?

The psychic powers of dogs are well-known by anyone who has ever had a canine companion. Dogs possess the power to discern malevolent spirits and even thieves, robbers and people who mean us harm. If the bark doesn’t suffice, they will, indeed, bite!


There are certain behaviours associated with the dog that may carry with it certain meanings. A dog that is barking or showing aggression usually indicates that it is willing to fight if necessary. A dog seen barking, but not biting, indicates that the aggression will not escalate beyond a certain point. Even small dogs that don’t appear fierce can possess a great deal of ferocity when they have a job to do.

Anyone who has ever spent time with a dog also knows that they are experts in getting what they want: be it food or affection. Not only do they give generously, they also encourage us to give generously as well. They do this by setting an example that inspires us to reciprocate. In this way, the dog can teach us how to get what we want out of life, especially when it comes to our pack members.

If the dog appears with a large group of its brethren, it usually indicates that one is about to find their community and the rest of their pack. If we see canines fighting with one another, it usually foretells that a fight of some sort is about to take place to assert supremacy in the family or in the community hierarchy.

When a dog is seen sleeping, it usually represents that a dormant part of ourselves is seeking an awakening. If you feel that you have lost your way and are wondering if this is the right path for you, dog will appear to remind you that you have to move forward even if you’re not sure of the outcome of your decisions. With the dog by your side, even the most trying of circumstances can lead to success, even if it doesn’t look anything like you expected.

When the dog appears out of the blue, it represents a dramatic and drastic change that is irreversible. If you have been in a situation where dangers and threats were lurking in your life, the unexpected presence of a dog shows that you will be protected every single step of the way. If you are unable to overcome a particular threat, the dog can remove it from your path completely by guiding the person to stay away from you by placing fear in their path.

The dog also appears when new opportunities are set to appear in our life and that we will have to seize them quickly. All in all, the dog is a companion like any other and will stay and be with you till death.

Sri Bhairava

Bhairava, which means ‘frightful’, is also known as Kala Bhairava. In Shaivism, he is a powerful manifestation of Shiva associated with annihilation. His vahana is a dog and this particular manifestation of Shiva is worshipped in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and in Tibetan Buddhism.

Ashta Bhairavas or “Eight Bhairavas” refer to the eight manifestations of the Bhairava: a ferocious and wrathful aspect of the god Shiva. They are believed to guard and control the eight directions. The Bhairavas are said to: bestow creative abilities, curb harmful self talk, protect from malignant forces, destroy enemies and rivals, bestow all good education, provide the power with which to take right actions, destroy all negative karma and karmic bonds and lastly, end all unrewarding work and action.

It is believed that by praying to Bhairava, he will guide and keep the devotee on the right path. Commitment is required to stay on the path. But if you do, the reward is a companion unlike any other you have ever known.

Sri Bhairava at Sri Thendayuthapani Temple, Singapore

3 responses to “The Symbolism of Dogs | A Lifelong Committed Companion”

  1. […] of the mind. We should neither be like the fox that is ruled only by its instincts and nor like the dog that is ruled by its conditioning and culturalization process. Rather, we should, choose the middle […]


  2. […] Ten of Pentacles, along with The Fool and The Moon, is a card that features the dog: our beloved canine companion. The dog represents the importance of family in our life. Anyone who […]


  3. […] a dog suddenly appears in your life, it comes to increase our awareness. The dog, with its strong senses, represents the ability to discern the true nature of things by stripping […]


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About Me

Dipa Sanatani. Author of THE HEART OF SHIVA, THE LITTLE LIGHT and THE MERCHANT OF STORIES. Founder of Independent Singaporean Book Publisher Twinn Swan.