Burning Away the Energetic Bonds | Lord Bhairava and the Annihilation of Curses and Hexes

Within the esoteric traditions of Tantra within Shaivism, curses abhichara are not just mere pronouncements of ill will. They are intricate webs of malevolent intent, woven into a web of dark energy. These curses form energetic cords that drain a person’s vitality and hinder their spiritual journey. Yet, amidst this darkness emerges a radiant and fiery protector: Lord Bhairava, the fierce and wrathful aspect of Shiva.

The Tantric worldview espouses that curses and hexes are meticulously crafted webs of negativity that forge energetic attachments to the victim’s aura. These cords act like siphons, draining the prana life force and hindering the sadhana spiritual practices of the individual who has been targeted. (Sadhana refers to the spiritual disciplines undertaken on a spiritual path. Prana is essential for performing sadhana effectively.)

When the curse drains an individual’s prana, it weakens the their ability to focus, meditate or engage in other spiritual practices. Additionally, the negativity associated with the curse can create mental and emotional disturbances which further disrupt the practitioner’s concentration and inner peace, elements which are essential for successful sadhana.

Lord Bhairava occupies a unique position as a wrathful protector against intentional and unintentional curses. His essence embodies tejas, a radiant and fierce energy that stands diametrically opposed to the tamasic guna, the principle of inertia and darkness that often fuels curses. Bhairava’s very presence disrupts and weakens these tamasic forces, acting as a potent countermeasure against their influence.

Annihilation of Evil

Curses, according to the Tantric view, are fuelled by tamas, the guna quality associated with inertia, darkness and negativity. Tamas creates a stagnant and heavy energy which considerably weakens the victim. Bhairava’s tejas acts as the opposite force, disrupting and scattering this darkness with his radiant energy. Some of these may be to disrupt one’s spiritual journey.

Curses and hexes are energetic attachments. Bhairava’s fierce energy is believed to sever these attachments, thereby restoring balance and well-being. He severs the energetic chains of curses and hexes, which are distortions of the natural karmic flow. This fierce act serves as a form of justice.

Curses and hexes are, by their very nature, acts of injustice. These are attempts to inflict undue suffering beyond the natural consequences of karma. Bhairava, by severing these attachments, restores the karmic balance disrupted by malevolent forces. This restoration aligns with the concept of karmic justice, ensuring that individuals experience consequences proportionate to their actions and not those unduly inflicted by external ill-intent and malice.

Bhairava embodies the fierce and protective aspect of Shiva. Theological concepts suggest that curses and hexes are disruptions in the natural flow of karma caused by external malevolent forces. Bhairava’s tejas radiant energy is believed to be uniquely suited to counteract this negativity due to its fierce and purifying nature.

Devotees facing the disruption and suffering caused by curses and hexes might seek Bhairava’s specific brand of protection. He isn’t just a shield; he actively combats the negativity and severs the energetic attachments, offering a sense of fierce protection against unseen forces.

A standing figure of Bhairava, a form of Lord Shiva.

Sadhanas to Counter the Curse

Bhairava, the fearsome manifestation of Shiva, is a powerful ally against curses and energetic drains. But invoking him isn’t just about brute force. By incorporating specific practices, devotees can unlock Bhairava’s full transformative potential, severing the curse’s energetic cords and enacting deep internal change.

One method lies in the resonant power of sound. Chanting Bhairava mantras creates a potent energetic field. This field amplifies Bhairava’s transformative energy, aiding in the severing of the curse’s energetic roots. Imagine these energetic cords as tethers binding you. As you chant, Bhairava’s influence strengthens, dissolving these cords and freeing you from their hold.

Visualisation practices act as another powerful tool. Imagine Bhairava’s fierce form confronting the negativity associated with the curse. In his fiery presence, visualise the curse itself burning away, consumed by Bhairava’s power. This visualisation not only empowers you but also supports the internal transformation process initiated by Bhairava’s intervention. This is one of the reasons why Murti and image worship is a powerful practise used by many spiritual traditions.

The discomfort caused by the curse can be a catalyst for positive change. Use this experience as a springboard for introspection. Journaling or other self-reflection practices can help you identify and address any internal vulnerabilities that made you susceptible to the curse in the first place. By addressing these vulnerabilities, you become less susceptible to future attacks.

Finally, remember that Bhairava is a manifestation of Shiva’s fierceness. Deepening your connection with Shiva and Shakti, the divine feminine, through puja or other practices can further empower you. By strengthening this connection, you gain access to a greater wellspring of transformative power, bolstering Bhairava’s efforts to destroy and annihilate the curse for good.

Lord Bhairava at Sri Thendayuthapani Temple, Singapore

Gaining Clarity

In Hinduism, the view is that our world is veiled by maya, an illusion that obscures our true divine nature. Curses, with their negativity and suffering, can be seen as particularly potent manifestations of maya. Here, Bhairava, the fearsome aspect of Shiva, emerges as a powerful ally.

Bhairava’s fiery gaze burns through maya’s deceptions. By invoking Bhairava, the devotee seeks to pierce the veil of the curse itself. This is not merely about dispelling the curse’s effects, but gaining clarity to see beyond its illusory hold.

The true power lies within. Bhairava awakens the devotee to their own inherent Shiva-Shakti potential. Shiva, the destroyer, annhilates the curse’s energetic roots. Shakti, the divine feminine, empowers the devotee with the strength and resilience to overcome negativity. Through this awakened inner power, the devotee transcends the curse and emerges stronger, closer to their true Self.

Lord Shiva as Bhairava with his canine companion

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Dipa Sanatani. Author of THE HEART OF SHIVA, THE LITTLE LIGHT and THE MERCHANT OF STORIES. Founder of Independent Singaporean Book Publisher Twinn Swan.