The 8 of Swords | Dealing with Demons

The 8 of Swords is an energy that encourages us to spend some time making some serious internal changes before we even attempt to try to change the world around us. It is about an involution instead of an evolution. As hard as it is to change our outer landscape, it is equally hard to change our inner landscape.

Face your own demons, your own fears and your own delusions. Speak to someone, even if it is to God. God is listening and will answer. Do not, under any circumstances, choose to willingly stay in this 8 of swords energy for it will be one that no one can pull you out of.

The 8 of swords usually alludes to a sense of bondage: feeling trapped, stuck and unable to move forward in a way that we want. In the card, a figure–possibly a woman–is standing immobile with her hands tied, blindfolded and surrounded by sharp swords. Looking at her, we may wonder–what in the world is going on in her mind?

Where are you telling yourself ‘No’ when you know that it is something that you truly want to do? Where are you telling yourself ‘Yes’ when you know that it is something that is no longer healthy or good for you? Are you conforming to others’ expectations of you and ignoring your own needs? Is there someone abusive or restrictive in your life whose twisted support you just don’t want anymore?

Challenge yourself to overcome your fears. Step up to the challenge that life has provided you with. There is a bright and shining light at the end of the dark tunnel. Perhaps what was a source of bondage yesterday can even be a source of liberation today. It is all about perspective. Change your mind and your world will, indeed, begin to change.

If something or someone has hurt you in the past, acknowledge it so that you can move on with your life. Talk to someone. If you can’t find anyone trustworthy to talk to, have a chat with God. Sometimes, when all human help has failed, we realise that the only ‘person’ we can turn to is our Higher Power. Call it what you will: the Divine Mother, the Universe, God, Heavenly Father and so on. Reach out, pray, perform penances and even sit down and repeat the same mantra over and over again. God is listening…

The 8 and even the 9 of Swords can come up when either you or someone around you has or is battling with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Support is temporarily required to overcome this state of mind. Support could come into your life in many ways, but the important thing to acknowledge is that money cannot solve or help this issue. Rather, what is required is a healing journey so that one can restore their hope and faith in the world and in people.

If you have indulged in self-harm and self-destructive and self-sabotaging behaviours, remember that YOU and only YOU hold the key to your own healing. The steps that you will be required to take to solve your inner turmoil may not be big steps. Baby steps are all that is required for the Universe truly does want you to heal, to recover and to be all that you can be. If you take those baby steps, the Universe will step in to help you to recover and to heal completely from this heavy and dark period of life.

The journey to coming out of a period of depression will be one that will stay with you for the rest of your life. A happier and healthier period does await, regardless of what you have been through. Do not allow yourself to indulge in pessimism for the future as that will only serve to hold you back.

In the end, you will be thankful that you decided to come face-to-face with your own demons. You realise that you can not only fight them, but triumph over them. One day, you will look back and realise that the struggle is OVER.

If you have been in relationships that were unhappy, abusive and unsatisfying, the 8 of swords reveals that not only will you depart from this relationship, it will never appear in your life ever again. Once the struggle is over, you can let go and move on with your life. New opportunities are coming your way and all you will have to do is take them.

If you are single, let go of all your fear regarding a marriage. Perhaps it is your fear that is holding you back from finding love. Instead, embark on a new relationship feeling completely empowered. The One–the soul mate relationship–will then, finally, arrive upon your doorstep.

6 responses to “The 8 of Swords | Dealing with Demons”

  1. […] are some elements to the Devil card that foreshadow and have a similar meaning to the 8 of Swords. Except this time, there is a much stronger sense of confinement or entrapment. We are, for some […]


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About Me

Dipa Sanatani. Author of THE HEART OF SHIVA, THE LITTLE LIGHT and THE MERCHANT OF STORIES. Founder of Independent Singaporean Book Publisher Twinn Swan.