The Sound Vibrations of Shakti | A Tantric Approach

When it comes to tantra as a spiritual practise, the misconceptions are many and are not necessarily worth discussing. It is better to discuss what tantra actually is as opposed to what it is actually not. Tantrism is a systematic approach through which the mystery of woman–the Divine Feminine–is rediscovered.

Mantras are indispensable to tantric disciplines. When translated literally, the word mantra can mean ‘that which when reflected upon gives or bestows liberation’. A mantra cannot come to life until it is repeated continuously, thereby creating a wave pattern (japa). It is not enough to know or hear the mantra. It must be recited repeatedly and consistently for it to have effect.

Sound vibrations are the manifestation of Shakti. When recited repeatedly, they become a point of focus and expansion. To the non-initiate, mantras are unintelligible. To the adept who has received clear instructions from their guru, mantras are the basis and the seeds of spiritual power and awakening.

Sound and form are interdependent. Every form is a vibration of a certain frequency and density. Every sound has its visual equivalent that can be represented through a written word or in pictorial form. Sound is the reflex of form and form is the product of the sound. The representation of one order of ideas is achieved by an image which is used as a symbol. Their real significance, however, lies in their function as psychic associations in the conscious mind.

When symbols appear, they never do so directly. Their inner meaning eludes the eye and the non-initiate. In the absence of sound, the only means of knowing reality is in a way that is stored in images and in books.

For instance, the chakras are referred to as lotuses. Each of them is related to a colour and each lotus’ number of petals indicates the rate of vibrations of that particular chakra. The letters inscribed on the petals of the chakra indicate sound vibrations and the varying degrees of energies working in the different centres. The colours of the chakras themselves are related to their frequencies. The seven chakras and their symbolic interrelation with sound, colour, form, significance and function have been described extensively in the tantras.

They give a form to the formless and a shape to what was once shapeless. That is the power of Shakti.

Sri Ruthra Kaliamman at Depot Rd, Singapore

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Dipa Sanatani. Author of THE HEART OF SHIVA, THE LITTLE LIGHT and THE MERCHANT OF STORIES. Founder of Independent Singaporean Book Publisher Twinn Swan.