The Sacral Chakra | The Centre of Creativity and Curiosity

The concept of the existence of an ‘invisible’ energy body–also known as the subtle body or aura–is a network of interconnected energy fields which emanates from the physical body. These fields are believed to vibrate at different frequencies, influencing our physical, mental, psychic and emotional health. The sacral chakra acts as a powerhouse within this network, impacting our energy on multiple levels.

The sacral chakra, known as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is the second chakra in the human energetic system. It’s visualised as a vibrant orange lotus flower, residing below the navel and extending down to the pelvic floor. This centre is believed to govern a wellspring of creative energy, sensuality, emotions and our connection to pleasure.

The sacral chakra is associated with the element of water. Like the ebb and flow of the tides, a balanced sacral chakra allows us to navigate our emotional landscape with fluidity. It fosters healthy expression of desires, fosters creativity and fuels our capacity for intimacy.


When a sacral chakra is either blocked or imbalanced, it disrupts the flow of energy within the body. On a physical level, it can be sensed as low energy levels, fatigue and a susceptibility to illness. The sacral chakra is also known to harbour numerous hidden shadow aspects: unprocessed anger, jealousy and possessiveness. If we allow these emotions to fester or lurk beneath the surface, they can distort our desires and lead to destructive behaviours.

Sometimes, when our sacral chakra is out of sync, we have difficulty expressing our creativity. Creativity becomes impulsive and scattered, lacking the focus needed to bring forth truly fulfilling projects. An overactive sacral chakra can manifest as a relentless pursuit of pleasure. We crave constant stimulation, be it through material possessions, fleeting relationships or risky behaviours. This insatiable hunger for external validation leaves us feeling empty and disconnected from our true desires. We are unable to feel empathy for others and at the same time we can be excessively emotionally reactive.

A blocked sacral chakra resembles a frozen river; stagnant and devoid of flow. Fear of intimacy and emotional vulnerability keeps us from connecting with others on a deeper level. Creativity feels stifled and a sense of apathy or numbness replaces the natural zest for life. We become rigid and resistant to change, clinging to the familiar even when it no longer serves us.


The sacral chakra holds immense significance. It’s the bridge between our physical self and our spiritual potential. Within it lays not only a wellspring of pleasure that can fuel our creative expression, but a balanced chakra can also guide us to a profound spiritual awakening when it is time.

The sacral chakra isn’t just about physical pleasures; it’s about connecting with the abundant flow of life itself. When it is balanced, you feel a sense of trust in the universe, knowing that your needs–no matter what they are–will be met. This allows you to release the need for excessive control and fosters a sense of gratitude for the beauty and bounty that surrounds you. It’s about learning to receive with grace, not just chase after what you think you lack.

A balanced sacral chakra allows you to embrace change and new experiences with a sense of openness and curiosity. You see challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation. You cultivate a sense of self-compassion, accepting yourself with all your flaws and imperfections. This allows you to learn from mistakes and move forward with grace.

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Dipa Sanatani. Author of THE HEART OF SHIVA, THE LITTLE LIGHT and THE MERCHANT OF STORIES. Founder of Independent Singaporean Book Publisher Twinn Swan.