Fangs and Fidelity | The Symbolic Power of Kala Bhairava’s Canine Companion

A dog’s keen and sharp senses are symbolic of their ability to see through illusion maya and perceive reality clearly. All of us navigate a world where societal norms and perceptions cloud our judgment. We are not seeking things as they are, but rather, as how we have been conditioned to perceive them. We are not seekers of truth, but prisoners of our conditioned perception. That is why it is perhaps easy to become disillusioned when things don’t work out the way we expected them to. We know that very often people make judgments on how things appear and not how they really and truly are.

When a dog suddenly appears in your life, it comes to increase our awareness. The dog, with its strong senses, represents the ability to discern the true nature of things by stripping away the superficial and revealing the underlying truth. This discernment is crucial for spiritual seekers to dismantle maya once and for all and achieve spiritual liberation. They must be able to discern, for themselves, the path that is for their highest good and the path that will lead them away from their material and spiritual goals.

The cremation grounds, generally considered an impure and liminal space, is a threshold between the worlds of the living and the dead. The dog, historically associated with scavenging and dwelling in such in-between spaces, becomes a symbolic guide for followers of Kala Bhairava. It represents the ability to navigate these challenging and often unseen realms with awareness and purpose. It reminds us that not all is as it seems as there is an ‘unseen reality’ which most of us are not privy to.

The dog’s unwavering loyalty to its master is a powerful symbol. Just as the dog remains forever faithful to Kala Bhairava, Shaivites must strive for unwavering devotion on their spiritual path. This devotion is essential for overcoming challenges and distractions that may arise during their journey.

The dog’s fierce nature is a reflection of Kala Bhairava’s own protective power. The dog guards them from negative energies and malevolent forces that might disrupt their practices or hinder their progress. The dog’s presence acts as a shield, dispelling negativity and ensuring a safe space for spiritual seekers to perform their prayers, rituals and meditations.

The spiritual path is fraught with challenges. Kala Bhairava shields the seeker from external threats like: negative energies or malevolent forces that might seek to disrupt their practices. The cremation ground, often teeming with raw and untamed energies, is seen as a crucible where these threats are most potent.

Kala Bhairava’s fierce presence protects devotees as they navigate this challenging environment. The dog represents discernment – the ability to differentiate between illusion and reality, a crucial quality for spiritual seekers on their journey.

Painting of Lord Shiva as Bhairava with his canine companion.

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Dipa Sanatani. Author of THE HEART OF SHIVA, THE LITTLE LIGHT and THE MERCHANT OF STORIES. Founder of Independent Singaporean Book Publisher Twinn Swan.